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Hospital Security Systems and Solutions

Healthcare facilities and hospitals have become larger and more complex, which naturally brings with it the responsibility for more patients and a larger staff. From a security perspective, medical offices and hospitals are responsible for providing patients with a safe environment while protecting their privacy. Whether you work in a medical office, healthcare facility, or a multi-building or multi-site hospital, Locksmith 24 Hours Inc Security can help.

You may need to make a serious evaluation of the security systems you have in place. For example, knowing that you need to keep the organization’s environment accessible for healthcare staff, patients and visitors, how well do you manage access to unauthorized areas?

Hospital Security Solutions

Locksmith 24 Hours Inc Security can speak to you about a Keyless Access control solution for your employees. We offer a number of other solutions for the healthcare market such as intrusion alarms, access control, communications systems, and system monitoring programs.

System monitoring programs

Hospitals hold some sensitive materials. From underground oxygen and Nitrogen storage to delicate samples, neither of these must be out of place. An automated monitoring system would help detect leaks, abnormalities, or other potential hazards and alert for quick response.

Keyless access control

These computerized locks allow only authorized personnel to gain entrance into rooms. Using access codes, fingerprints, or retina scanners, no one gains access to what is behind the door without right. Keyless locks solve most problems anticipated by most hospital security systems.

Video surveillance

Patients, visitors, and hospital personnel must be within sight. Who knows where danger can come knocking? Surveillance cameras are essential players in hospital security systems. Excluding private areas like the convenience room, there must be eyes within and around the hospital. The video surveillance helps film and record every action in the hospital.

Intrusion alarms

Hospital alarm systems are applicable in diverse conditions. For example, areas like the record and sample storage rooms must be out of bounds. Anyone could try getting in for the wrong reasons. Intrusion alarms come in handy to expose such persons. Again, alarms notify appropriate respondents when something is wrong, be it stationed guards or the local police station.

Communications systems

Hospitals must have a linked communication system. These include detached communication or office-to-office and the central address system that sounds around the hospital. The latter is particularly crucial when the whole hospital is at risk, and everyone needs to take some precautions for safety. All healthcare security solutions are incomplete without efficient communication systems.

Why Choose Locksmith 24 Hours Inc Security for Hospital Security Systems?

Our commitment. We hold every interaction with every healthcare customer to the highest standard. We are extremely proud of our repeat business and utmost level of customer satisfaction. We all have the same needs, so you can rest assured that the quality of service Locksmith 24 Hours Inc Security provides to you will exceed your expectations.

Contact us to find out how our expert staff can provide you with the right products and services. Locksmith 24 Hours Inc Security proudly serves customers throughout New York, including in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Staten Island, and elsewhere in NYC.